Choosing Classier Jewelry

Choosing Classier Jewelry

Getting Started With The Four C's Of Diamonds

by Angel Torres

If you are in the market for a wedding ring, then you might be trying to figure out which diamond is best for your partner. However, diamonds can get pretty confusing, since they are often judged on criteria that is practically impossible for the untrained eye to identify. To help you get a better idea of how the diamond rating process works, here is an overview of the 4 C's:


Carat is the simplest and most basic category, since it really is just how much a diamond weighs. Each carat is equivalent to 200 mg, which means that a 5 carat diamond simply weighs one ounce. For diamonds that are less than a single carat in weight, you instead use hundredths of carats, each of which are referred to as points. Thus, a diamond that weighs half a carat would be referred to as a 50 point diamond.


The color of the diamond really refers to how little color is present in the diamond. The less color that there is, the higher that the diamond will be ranked, with the top end of the scale being a D rating and the bottom end being a Z rating. It can be incredibly hard to tell the difference between a D and an E diamond, but you can probably easily spot the difference between a D and a P diamond at a glance.


When judging the clarity of a diamond, experts look at how many imperfections are on the outside and inside of the diamond. When on the exterior, they are called blemishes, while those on the interior are called inclusions. It can be very difficult to actually rate the clarity of the diamond, since the expert will need to identify every single imperfection and rate their collective impact on the appearance of the diamond. When it comes to clarity, the best diamonds are said to be flawless, while the lower end of the spectrum is filled with diamonds that are said to be included.


Finally, cut refers to the shape of the diamond, but not in the way that you might think. Instead of referring to the general shape of the diamond, cut focuses more on the symmetry of the rock and how it is shaped on a microscopic level. These all heavily impact how the diamond reflects and absorbs light, so a diamond of exceptional cut would shine brilliantly in the light.

For more information and assistance in picking out or evaluating a diamond, contact jewelry appraisal services


About Me

Choosing Classier Jewelry

About a month ago, I started thinking about the kinds of jewelry I was choosing. It occurred to me that I really needed to start looking for classier pieces since most of my jewelry was pretty loud and annoying. I thought that it was sending the wrong vibe to customers, and I was right. After choosing classier pave pieces, I got a better response from clients. This blog is all about finding better jewelry pieces and knowing which styles and themes to avoid in the workplace. You never know, a few small changes could really improve the response you get from customers.
